Have you ever watched, read or sang something you used to as a kid now that you're older and thought "What were my parents thinking? This is so inappropriate for children." I have just such a story.
At the bottom of the hill next to the supermarket was a little family owned video store. We were members and could rent not new releases for something like $2. Being small, there weren't many movies to choose from. When we couldn't find a cheap movie to borrow we inevitably would rent
Man of La Mancha. It was cheap AND a musical. As children we loved musicals.
Set in the time of the Spanish Inquisition, Don Quixote believes he is a knight on a quest. He visits a tavern, which he believes is a castle, and falls in love with the scullery maid/lady of the night, who he believes is a fair maiden. Did I mention Sofia Loren is the questionable lady? (LOVE her.)

In honor of the passing of the great Peter O'Toole, I watched Man of La Mancha tonight. Not one of his better movies, but the only one I own. He is AMAZING, but it's a pretty low budget film. The cinematography isn't great. It's basically the reproduction of a stage production. But the story is a classic. (I wouldn't recommend reading Don Quixote. It's essentially a ridiculously long boring Canterbury Tales. Just watch the movie. You'll get the gist.) The story in the movie is told quite cleverly by Cervantes, the author, imprisoned by The Inquisition. He is on trial by his fellow prisoners and his defense is to act the play with the prisoners as the actors. Confused yet? The music is fantastic! I bet you would still recognize some of the songs even if you've never seen the movie.
I get chills the first time they sing "I, Don Quixote" every time I watch. And I cry at the end every single time. I forget how much I love this movie. It''s not in my top 10 (that's a post for another day), but it's a goody.
My favorite quote is from right before he sings "To Dream The Impossible Dream."
Take a deep breath of life
and consider how it should be lived.
Call nothing thine except thy soul.
Love not what thou art, only what thou may become.
Do not pursue pleasure
or thou mayest have the misfortune to overtake it.
Look always forward.
In last year's nests
there are no birds this year.
Be just to all men, courteous to all women.
Live in the vision
of the one for whom great deeds are done.
Speaking of movies. This holiday season there are three I REALLY want to see---
The Book Thief, Saving Mr. Banks, and The secret Life of Walter Mitty. I probably won't see any of them until they come out on dvd since I rarely go to the movies, but it's a great season for cinema! What are you looking forward to seeing?